病人 & 游客
Thank you for choosing 南田纳西州地区卫生系统 to meet your health care needs. 能为您和您的家人服务是我们的荣幸. 南田纳西地区卫生系统的每一位工作人员的目标都是让您在遵循医生为您特别设计的医疗护理计划的同时,尽可能地让您住得愉快和舒适. Please do not hesitate to ask questions about your care or any of the hospital's services.
The information presented below covers a wide range of hospital services and policies. 如果您需要更多信息,请致电我们 (931) 967-8200.
联合委员会认证解决了在联合委员会标准范围内有关患者安全或护理质量问题的所有投诉. The Joint Commission has a toll-free hotline number that gives patients, 他们的家庭, 护理人员和其他人有机会分享对该认证医院的护理质量问题的关注.
免费电话号码是 1-800-994-6610,或浏览 http://www.jointcommission.org/.
Our 招生 Team is located just beyond the main entrance at the front of the hospital. 在你进入大楼之后, they are located at the top of the main stairs on the left (just beyond the information desk).
病人 may pre-admit once admission has been scheduled. 招生 are processed via the registration clerks in the front lobby; after hours admissions are processed at the registration desk in the Emergency Department. 一旦你进了护理病房, the staff will help you get acquainted with your room and your surroundings.
接受门诊手术的患者请到前厅挂号台报到. Outpatient registration hours are from 7:00 am until 5:00 pm.
准妈妈们在来产房之前应该先到急诊科报到. If you are an admission, please check in via the registration clerks in the front lobby.
自助餐厅, located in the basement of 南田纳西州地区卫生系统, 早餐和午餐对游客开放吗, 星期一至星期五. 工作时间是:
- 早餐:早上7点到8点半
- 午餐:上午11时至下午1时
所有病人都可以看电视. 请与护士站联系,以获得将电视设置更改为封闭字幕的说明.
While you are on our campus, please enjoy our complimentary WiFi service. 只需选择“GUEST ACCESS”即可连接. 不需要密码.
因为营养是你恢复的重要组成部分, our dietitian prepares a variety of menus according to your doctor's instructions. If your doctor wishes you to adhere to a special diet once you have left the hospital, our dietitian can explain your new eating plan and how you can adapt it to your lifestyle.
如果做了化验或x光检查,请推迟用餐时间, the nursing staff will be happy to order a tray after you return to your room. One guest tray will be provided free of charge for families of patients age 12 and under. 每个护理单位都设有营养室. A variety of snacks and beverages are provided for our patients.
12岁以下儿童在医院就诊时必须由负责任的成年人陪同. In the 分娩中心 Department or Labor and Delivery, 只有12岁以下的新生儿的兄弟姐妹才允许进入分娩中心. All other children must be over the age of 12 to enter the 分娩中心 Department.
Please use caution when bringing young visitors to the hospital. 不允许孩子咳嗽, 发热, 皮疹, 喉咙痛, 恶心想吐, 呕吐, 腹泻或最近接触过疾病.
礼品店位于南田纳西州地区卫生系统的前厅,提供鲜花, 卡片, 婴儿用品, 化妆品, 糖果, 和更多的. 礼品店开门营业:
- 星期一至五:上午8时至下午4时
- 星期六:下午12点至4点
因此,南田纳西州地区卫生系统相信我们的自然资源的毅力, bed linen is changed every other day or as needed depending on patient needs. If you need additional linens or housekeeping services, please contact your nurse.
由于重症监护室(ICU)的性质,探视取决于个人. 南田纳西州地区卫生系统传统上实行开放政策,但取决于病人的需要, 探视可能受到限制.
In an effort to prevent or reduce exposure to known allergens, 从而降低反应的风险, 发现对乳胶过敏的患者将使用不含乳胶的医疗产品或屏蔽与乳胶接触的医疗产品进行治疗.
您的家人和朋友为使您的逗留更愉快而寄来的卡片和鲜花每天都会送到. Flowers are NOT allowed in the 加护病房 (ICU). Mail received after you are discharged will be forwarded to your home. 寄给病人的信件地址如下:
We will need a complete list of medicines you are currently taking, including those not prescribed or ordered by your doctor. While in the hospital, please take only medicines administered by your nurse. If the medicines are not given at the same time as you normally take them, please let us know and we will try to do things as you do at home. Sometimes meals or tests may hinder your normal routine.
We use generic medicines when possible to keep costs low. Because of this, some medicines may look different from your usual pills. If you have questions about the pills or other medicines you are taking, 不要犹豫去问你的护士或医生.
Local newspapers are delivered to patient's rooms every day. They are also available in the Emergency Department for visitors.
为了儿科病人的安全, 12岁以下儿童, 我们要求一名成年人一直陪在他们身边. 如果您的孩子在2岁以下,为了您孩子的安全,我们要求您使用婴儿床.
南田纳西州地区卫生系统致力于提供个性化护理,认识到将传统医学与免费医学相结合的好处,作为一种支持服务. 病人的医生必须认为他/她的狗的探访对病人有益. Only dogs that are certified to be medically fit shall be allowed to visit.
为了保护自己和他人的健康, 南田纳西州地区卫生系统 is a smoke-free environment. 病房里不允许吸烟, 走廊, 游说团体, 等候室或医院的其他地方.
The telephone at your bedside is for your use and convenience. To make local calls, dial "9" and wait for the dial tone, then dial your desired number. 长途, credit card or collect calls may be placed by dialing "9" + area code and desired number. 医院使用AT&我是它的长途公司. If you wish to use a different company for credit card calls, 拨打“9”+“0”后拨打公司的接入码,或拨打“9”+“1”后使用信用卡上列出的800号码。.
- 医疗/手术室电话号码-床位“A”:(931)968-2+房号/床位“B”:(931)968-2+房号加50
- 分娩中心 Room Phone Number -(931) 968-2+room number
- Dialing the Hospital Operator from your room - Press "0"
- Placing a local call from your room - Press "9" then dial the number
- 长途 & 从您房间拨打电话-按“9”再按“0”
- To reach an Outside Operator from your room - Press "9" then "0"
我们建议您在住院期间将贵重物品委托给朋友或亲戚保管. If you have valuables at the hospital please ask the nurse for a Special Valuable Envelope. 你的贵重物品可以放在医院的保险箱里, 众议院监事, once you have sealed them in the Special 贵重物品 Envelope. The envelope must be filled out and signed by you or a responsible relative and your nurse. 内容清单将与您的医院病历一起保存,清单的副本将密封在贵重物品信封内. Ask your Nurse about this hospital policy if you would like to use it. 医院不能对丢失的物品负责,除非它们被放在贵重物品的信封里. Glasses, 隐形眼镜, 助听器和假牙 must be documented in your chart.
You will need to bring a small number of personal items to the hospital, 比如睡衣, 长袍, 拖鞋, and personal toilet articles including cases for glasses, 隐形眼镜, 助听器和假牙. 如果您随身携带或在您入学后携带了上述任何物品, please make sure your nurse is aware that you have them in your possession. 你有责任跟上这些项目. 带上你的驾照,保险卡,索赔表格,以及你的自付额和免赔额. 请携带下列物品:
- 驾驶执照或带照片的身份证件
- 所有ACTIVE医疗保险卡
- 社会保障卡
- 直系亲属的联系方式
- 当前所有药物清单
- 生前遗嘱副本(如适用)
- 睡衣
- 长袍
- 胶底鞋
- 个人卫生用品(如盥洗用品)
南田纳西州地区卫生系统不能对丢失或被盗的贵重物品负责. Do not bring watches, jewelry, cash or other valuables to the hospital. 南田纳西地区卫生系统将只负责这些物品,如果他们被存入我们的保险箱. 入院时向护士询问押金. 请不要带药物到医院. 你的医生和医院药房将在你住院期间为你提供所有的药物. 然而, 向你的医生提供你目前正在服用的所有药物的清单是很重要的.
请将车停在前停车场或主停车场. 我们要求所有的病人和访客在志愿者服务台(电梯前)登记。. 挂号台位于走廊左手边的楼梯顶端.
当你可以出院的时候, your physician will write a discharge order on your medical chart. Your nurses and your physician will discuss discharge information with you, 包括特殊饮食, 药物治疗和活动限制. 个案经理会协助你安排家庭护理或其他社区服务, 如果需要. Your physician will let you know if an office visit is necessary after discharge.
一定要检查你的房间是否有私人物品,并从医院保险箱中取回任何贵重物品. When your transportation arrives, please allow your nurse to escort you from the hospital.